April 29, 2012

Fly Me to the Moon: Alyson Noel

Hailey Lane wakes up the morning of her birthday thinking she is going to have to work to fly her way home so she can celebrate with her boyfriend, who she thinks is going to propose by the end of the evening. Instead of having to work she gets to fly straight home and the surprise awaiting her is not exactly what she expected. Now, single, with no where to live, she remembers what she dose have. A manuscript that she hasn't looked at in years and a job that takes her all over the world to exotic locations and friends who care about here.
The rest of the plot follows Hailey as she works on her manuscript. Goes to exotic locations meeting men, while working to figure out who she is and what she wants for once too.

I enjoyed reading about Hailey and seeing her grow through the book. Things did seem a bit to easy and convenient, even for a chick lit book, but I could still get behind things falling to place since it was a novel. And the mistakes the character made did help her to grow, she didn't just throw away the good things that happened to her.

I would suggest this book to others who enjoy chick lit, but I would warn someone that this wouldn't be the best introduction to chick lit. It is not deep, but is a fun easy fast read. Three stars is what I would give it.

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